Uniting men and women around the world to create I.M.P.A.C.T. by creating the life of their dreams!
Welcome to Day 1 - Jan. 8th, 2018
Looking at the self with I.ntuition
Live the life of your dreams to create a positive global I.M.P.A.C.T. using intuition, manifestation, passionate purpose, authenticity, creativity, and tribe.
Why is intuition important in personal life AND business? How can you differentiate between intuition and thoughts?
Check out Rae's FB Live video from last week, introducing intuition HERE
Day 1 Featured Experts:
Want the full festival package with access to download the videos, audios, and bonuses from the diverse featured guests?
Videos are available for 24hrs. Pre-order the full virtual festival experience with exclusive access to interviews, rituals, workshops, gifts, and more! Download all the videos & audio to watch on your own time and receive bonuses from the featured guests!
One last thing.
It's never too late. Start the conversation with your intuition right now. What does your little child say? What does your wise/else self say? We suggest journaling through this festival to record your own transformation over the week through the videos and "play-work".